What is the Internet?

Benjamin Jameson
1 min readFeb 15, 2021


Some may argue that the internet leads to laziness, but I would beg to differ as I think it leads to better productivity and opens up opportunities that wouldn’t be possible without it. The internet grants us the ability to find specific information near instantly, allowing us to gain knowledge faster and retain a lot more than ever before.

The internet has created economic growth through faster shipping, buying and selling information, and faster communication between businesses. It has also generated new job opportunities such as computer programming, and IT, and has also enabled some occupations to become doable at home instead. The internet is a great way to communicate with friends and family. My favorite sources of entertainment come from the internet like Tiktok, Netflix, TwitchTV, and League of Legends. It has became an important addition to our lives, and has adapted the world for the greater good.

